Energy Efficiency Rebates

Groton Utilities - Commercial & Industrial Energy Efficiency Rebate Programs

Groton Dept of Utilities commercial energy efficiency rebate program

program summary

Note: Due to possible funding constraints, all rebate applications must be pre-approved before purchasing any equipment.

Groton Utilities, a municipal utility, offers incentives for commercial and industrial customers to install energy-efficient equipment in eligible facilities through several efficiency programs described in detail on the web site above. Rebates for

  • efficient lighting retrofits (based on number of kilowatt-hours (kWh) saved) 
  • new energy-efficient lighting 
  • high-efficiency motors (based on the number, type, and efficiency rating of units installed) 
  • HVAC equipment (based on the system size and efficiency) 

Applications are available on the utility's website, and in some cases an application must be submitted for approval before purchase or construction begins. Groton Utilities may perform a post-installation inspection at the utility's discretion.

Groton Utilities also offers cash incentives for customers who participate in the utility's Demand Response Program. This voluntary program requires customers to reduce electricity consumption when the electric system is severely constrained and the price of electricity is high. Contact Groton Utilities for more information on these incentive offerings.

eligible technologies
Lighting, Lighting Controls/Sensors, Heat pumps, Air conditioners, Energy Mgmt. Systems/Building Controls, Motors, Custom/Others pending approval, Other EE
program administrator
Groton Utilities
program notes
April 14, 2015
Incentive amount updated. 
December 7, 2018
Updated incentive information.
June 27, 2019
Updated incentive information.
What cities does Groton Dept of Utilities cover?
The following cities are in the Groton Dept of Utilities service area. However, this program may not be available in every city. Check the program website for details.
Gales Ferry, Groton, Ledyard, Mystic