Groton Utilities - Residential Energy Efficiency Rebate Program
Groton Dept of Utilities residential energy efficiency rebate program
program summary
Groton Utilities offers a variety of rebates to residential customers for the purchase and installation of energy efficient equipment. All items must meet or exceed efficiency standards included in the program guidelines. Customers should view the program web site listed above for more application and equipment information. For customers with electrically heated homes, Groton Utilities offers the Home Energy Savings Program which provides incentives for efficiency measures such as air sealing, duct testing and sealing, hot-water saving measures, rebates for appliance replacements, installation of CFLs, and insulation upgrades.
Visit the program web site for more information and specific requirements
eligible technologies
Water Heaters, Lighting, Air conditioners, Duct/Air sealing, Building Insulation, Other EE
program administrator
Groton Utilities
program notes
- April 14, 2015
- Updated incentive amounts and added machine readable data.
- October 11, 2018
- Annual review, updated incentive amounts.
- June 27, 2019
- No changes.
- April 29, 2024
- Annual review. Updated incentives
What cities does Groton Dept of Utilities cover?
- The following cities are in the Groton Dept of Utilities service area. However, this program may not be
available in every city. Check the program website for details.
- Gales Ferry, Groton, Ledyard, Mystic