Energy Efficiency Rebates

Montana-Dakota Utilities - Commercial Energy Efficiency Incentive Program

Montana-Dakota Utilities Co commercial energy efficiency rebate program

program summary

Montana-Dakota Utilities (MDU) offers a variety of rebates to commercial customers for the purchase and installation of natural gas heating systems and energy efficient lighting measures. Custom and prescriptive incentives are available for both natural gas heating systems using MDU natural gas and efficient lighting measures. Lighting incentive payments exceeding $1000 must have a pre-approval form completed prior to rebate issuance.

All systems must meet efficiency requirements as detailed by MDU. 

eligible technologies
Lighting, Furnaces, LED Lighting
program administrator
Montana-Dakota Utilities Co.
list of rebates
Furnaces - Flat rebate of $300 per Unit
Lighting -
program notes
May 26, 2016
Updated by: Sarah Rowland
January 8, 2019
Updated incentive information.
June 19, 2023
Annual review, added custom lighting and custom commercial projects incentives. No other changes