New Jersey SmartStart Buildings is a program sponsored by the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities. New Jersey SmartStart Buildings receives its funding through New Jersey's Societal Benefits Charge (SBC). The incentive offering is comprised of a combination of prescriptive equipment rebates and incentives for custom improvements that provide energy savings.
The incentives provided through this program are available to non-residential retail electric and/or gas service customers of the participating New Jersey utilities: Atlantic City Electric, FirstEnergy/Jersey Central Power & Light, New Jersey Natural Gas, Elizabethtown Gas, Public Service Electric and Gas, Rockland Electric Company, and South Jersey Gas.
Projects located in areas where electricity is provided by a municipal utility are eligible for only those portions of the program that address the energy efficiency of natural gas equipment if it is provided by a participating gas utility.
Energy efficient measures must be installed in buildings located within a New Jersey Utilities’ service territory and designated on the customer’s application. The customer must ultimately own the equipment, through an up-front purchase. Equipment procured by the customer via another program offered by New Jersey’s Clean Energy Program or the New Jersey Utilities, as applicable, are not eligible for incentives through this program. Customers who have not contributed to the SBC of the applicable New Jersey Utility are not eligible for incentives offered from the program.
Program Description
New Jersey SmartStart Buildings® is a statewide energy efficiency program available to qualified commercial, industrial, institutional, governmental, or agricultural customers planning to construct, expand, renovate, remodel a facility. Incentives are available for New Construction prescriptive measures