Energy Efficiency Rebates
Tax Incentives
New York
Energy efficiency and renewable energy tax incentives in New York
Refundable Clean Heating Fuel Tax Credit (Personal)
Refundable Clean Heating Fuel Tax Credit (Corporate)
Residential Wood Heating Fuel Exemption
Level-2 Electric Vehicle Service Equipment
Alternative Fuels and EV-Recharging Property Credit
Solar - Passive
Local Option - Solar, Wind & Biomass Energy Systems Exemption
Solar Sales Tax Exemption
New York City - Residential Solar Sales Tax Exemption
Local Option - Real Property Tax Exemption for Green Buildings
Solar Photovoltaics
New York City - Property Tax Abatement for Photovoltaic (PV) and Energy Storage Equipment
Solar Water Heat
Residential Solar Tax Credit
Energy Conservation Improvements Property Tax Exemption
Energy Conservation Improvements Property Tax Exemption